Gratis energiecoach aanvragen

Bespaar al snel enkele tientjes tot honderden euro's per jaar. Aanvragen

Frequently asked questions

Register/sign up

Registering with your email address:

  1. Click 'Log in' and consequently on 'Sign up now'.
  2. Enter your email address. To verify the given address, a valid verification code has to be given. Click 'Send verification code' to deliver this code to the given email address. Enter the received code (in the field 'Verification Code') and click 'Verify Code'
  3. Enter a new password (do not enter a password you use elsewere). Do not worry about losing the password, since it is always possible to set a new password.
  4. In addition to that, enter a first name.
  5. Follow the steps and after signing in with the new account you will return to the CoachModule.

Signing up using your social account:

  1. If you have a Google, Microsoft or Facebook account it is possible to register and log in by using one of these platforms.
  2. Click 'Log in'. Now, click the button that corresponds to the platform you registered on
  3. Follow the steps and you will return to the CoachModule.

Logging in

Logging in with your email address:

  1. Click 'Log in'.
  2. Enter your email address and password.
  3. Click 'Sign in'
  4. Follow the steps and you will return to the CoachModule.

Logging in using your social account:

  1. If you have a Google, Microsoft or Facebook account? It is possible to register and log in by using one of these platforms.
  2. Click 'Log in'. Now, click the button that corresponds to the platform you registered on
  3. Follow the steps and you will return to the CoachModule.

Version: 2

Wat vind jij de makkelijkste manier om energie te besparen?

Over ons

Neem contact op via de mail of telefonisch via 14 0591. 

Emmen geeft Energie is een initiatief van de gemeente Emmen

Raadhuisplein 1, Emmen
14 0591

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